


MIPRO-THANE 1K Polyurethane Waterproofing Membrane is a solvent-free, aromatic, elastomeric urethane coating designed for waterproofing concrete, plywood decks, metal, and masonry surfaces. The product is fluid-applied, high-solids, and environmentally safe, providing long-lasting durability. A polyurethane-compatible textile (woven or non-woven) can be used for reinforcement.

  • Ensure proper surface preparation and priming of the substrate.
  • Apply the membrane using a brush, roller, or notched trowel for continuous coverage, avoiding lines or gaps.
  • Allow curing for 16–48 hours at 21°C and 50% RH before applying additional coats for proper adhesion.
  • Store in a dry environment between 10–30°C, away from direct sunlight and moisture.
  • Prevent freezing of uncured materials.
  • Store materials in tightly closed original containers on a non-asphaltic board.
  • Wear protective equipment, including respirator, eye protection, and gloves.
  • Avoid inhaling vapors and consult OSHA regulations for safety compliance.

The unopened product has a shelf life of nine months when stored as recommended.